Last week I bought a $26 golf mat on so I could practice chipping in my back yard. Apparently my data has been farmed out because ever since then, I’ve been getting inundated with online ads on various websites–sometimes two on the same web page–for golf mats! The mats advertised range anywhere from $30 to $350. […]

NBC is going all-in on their coverage of the 2012 Summer Olympics, offering live coverage for every single event in the games, some on TV and some online (not all for free–only cable subscribers will be able to see some of the live streams). This will add up to more than 5,000 hours of event coverage. 5,000 hours […]

I just reviewed yesterday’s Google Analytics for Gibson’s website. We got seven hits: two from Montana, one from Florida, one from Georgia, and one each from England, India and Australia. Crikey! I also learned that three of those hits were from search engines, two were “direct” and two were referred from other sites. So… what […]